martes, 1 de septiembre de 2009


Sophists: teachers of the practical application for philosophy, they showed their students how to use the science of rhetoric in order to be successful.

Have you ever been to a political meeting? Politicians just talk and talk and talk about what they are going to do. But are they really going to do something? The truth is that politicians are great orators, and they have an extraordinary capacity to convince people trough speech; however the convincement is rarely for the content of their ideas, but for their enthusiasm and rhetoric.

When politicians (some of them) give a speech they start talking about a subject and they can go on and on for hours because they know how to create coherent sentences and make it look like they know what they are saying. But if you asked them 5 minutes after they finished what where they talking about, and what did they promise, they would not remember half of the things they said.

In the last political campaigns we all watched politicians promising, they were everywhere, on tv, on the streets and even knocking on your door. What the actual politicians do is what sophists thought Greek politicians to do more than 1500 years ago. Sophists believed that since there is no one universally appropriate way of doing anything then there can be no absolutes of any kind, everything is relative. For them appearances are reality and “man is the measure of all things”. Sophists promised success to those that had the required tuition ($$) and were disposed to work hard on the science of rhetoric. So I infer that Political Sciences teach rhetoric, therefore politicians use the same techniques they did 1500 years ago.

Some famous sophists were Gorgias and Protagoras, the last one was the one that said that “man is the measure of all things”. Nowadays to be called a sophist means that you are all flash and no substance (hmm hmm politicians).

Bibliography:Mitchell, Helen Buss. Roots of Wisdom. Belmont, CA: Thomson, 2008.
Gabriela Maldonado

10 comentarios:

  1. Gaby,
    I think you just found the best way to put the science of rhetoric in an example. The politicians use it all the time in their campaigns and we all know it, so I must say that Sophists' conclusions are very clear now.


    By Rocío Cruz.

  2. Gabriela,
    I am totally agreed of your comparison of the politicians with the Sophits's beliefs. It totally fits. I am waiting for a politician that knows what he says and really wants to make real changes, instead of gaining the naive people to become powerful and consequently reach what he wants "power to have a lot of $$$" (corruption). But I see so far this possibility.

    I like it!
    By Mia Andrea

  3. Sophists, first I want to tell that I enjoyed your picture it was funny and interesting. I guess it was an interesting way of relating the sophist with our politicians, I guess now I see the way they are alike.
    They can both convinced me of things.
    Thanks, and good job explaining me.

    Isis Gonzalez

  4. Hi Gaby!

    This is a very interesting article. I found very interesting the way you could summary a huge topic into just some lines. I also liked a lot the way you related a big current as the sophist is to the modern politics.

    I just want to say that you should not generalize the politicians, because although there a lot of bad politicians (the majority) there are also some good politicians that are really concerned about their community.

    Regards!! Julio Diaz

  5. You are totally right Julio, I should not have generalized. It was a fallacy, and I will edit it. Thank you =)

    Gabriela Maldonado

  6. Gaby Maldonado
    I think that all politicians use rhetoric. Is the only way to get into the people. What I don´t think is that every politician is a demagogue, there are very different kind of politicians. Good job.

    by: Alberto G.V.

  7. Gaby,
    I am so glad that we don't live in a relative world, because as I said in class that would be chaos. Your example was very well thought of, and you'r right. Politicians are Current-day Sophists. Hopefully one day politics will change. Thanks for your words of wisdom!


  8. gaby,
    it is true what you said about the politicians using the sophist methods. What they want is to make a great first impression by saying lots of nice things, but then who knows...

  9. gaby,
    it is true what you said about the politicians using the sophist methods. What they want is to make a great first impression by saying lots of nice things, but then who knows...

  10. Hey Gaby! Good job! Interesting comparison, although I believe some sophists might feel offended. (Joke)
    Unfortunately there is currently a whole markets for sophists and their teachings.
    You need to cite the source of your picture.
