martes, 1 de septiembre de 2009

All this started becuase of Confucius, he tought the chinese people to do good, to be wise and the social relationships. There are certain patterns that have to be follow to have a good relationship with the people around you.

His principle ideas were emphasizing the family, tradition and respect above all.

For example, if we compare China to Mexico, they way that their people relate between them it's really different. In Mexico you can see that when an elder wants to cross the street any of their drivers would never let them pass unless the elder run. In the other hand, in China they respect if an elder wants to cross, the're not in a "hurry" like the mexicans. Also, for them, their elders are very wise persons that have past a lot of things.

Now, being wise is not being smart when you do or know something it's to make the right decision, there's a saying that says - "think twice before doing something".


She applied what Confucius said but she used it to help the women, in a sort of way. She still believed that all relationships are in a certain order, that the wives would submit to their husbands but they should also have education. What men applies to their political and social work outside the house, the women can apply it with study into making benefits to the home.

A good example it's what we all talk about, men and women being equal. There are certain roles between the men bringing the food and the women cleaning bout, if there could be another wa to have more income into the house then men should let the women study so they can get a good job. That's what is happening now at days.

So what Pan Chao wanted to show was that wisdom and knowledge are part also of the Confucianism. They are to do good and by knowing things they can help you to be wiser.

by Andrea Zapata

5 comentarios:

  1. Andrea,
    I thought your example about the elder running was funny, and it's something that it will stick with me. I guess the way we relate with others should be different.

    I guess Pan Chao was a very happy and smart housewife. I guess that if you use your knowledge anywhere you'll improve.

    Good job.

    Isis Gonzalez

  2. I think that the relation you made among cultures is interesting. You are right the are many different ways of thinking and it depends in the culture we are. Good job. Congratulations

    by: Alberto G.V.

  3. Andrea, the way you explain what confucius said is very clear, I really like the comparation you did between China and Mexico, unfortunally it's true.
    The example you mentioned of Pan Chao and how she applied what confucius' said to the relation that a woman and a man have to have.

    juan jose

  4. Andrea, I really liked that you selected Pan Chao. You know? Our textbook includes several important women philosophers.
    It is interesting, today I was listening in the radio that a couple of entrepreneur mexican men developed very interesting electric cars which purpose is to be used as some sort of taxis in crowded metropolitan areas. They proposed their idea to the government, but the government instead of supporting this new mexican product decided to buy a chinese version which had to be adapted to our reality. Do you think this example also portraits the type of culture we are living in?


    Picture...25. Good interpretation. Tolerance to diversity is a virtue we need to work on.


  5. Andrea Im sorry but I did not consider sources when I posted my first opinion. You needed to cite your source for the picture when it is not yours. So I need to take 10 points off.
